Bushfire Related Tax Relief Measures SA

The Bushfire Related Tax Relief Measures provide South Australian businesses with various tax relief measures to help them recover from bushfires.
This grant is currently closed to applications

What do you get?

Various tax relief measures.

Who is this for?

Eligible South Australian businesses.


The South Australian government is providing the following tax relief measures for eligible businesses who have been affected by bushfires:

Motor Vehicle (Stamp Duty)

For people purchasing replacement motor vehicle(s) because their existing vehicle(s) were destroyed in bushfires:

  • Relief of stamp duty of up to $1940 for replacement passenger vehicles and $1470 for replacement commercial vehicles.
  • For replacement vehicles valued above $50,000, relief is capped at $1940 for a passenger vehicle and $1470 for a commercial vehicle with the balance of the duty payable.
  • Case-by-case relief considered where more than two vehicles registered to the same owner are destroyed.

Land Transfers (Stamp Duty)

For people purchasing a replacement home because their existing home was destroyed in bushfires:

  • Relief of up to $48,830 in stamp duty on a replacement home.
  • For replacement homes valued above $1 million, the duty relief is capped at $48,830 with the balance of the duty payable.

Land Tax

For people who's property was destroyed or substantially damaged by bushfires:

  • Relief of 2019-20 and 2020-21 land tax liabilities for affected properties.
  • A refund will be available on any land tax paid for 2019-20 for affected properties.

For people who's property was affected but not destroyed or substantially damaged by bushfires:

  • Relief of 2020-21 land tax liability considered on a case-by-case basis.

Apply now

Apply for the Bushfire Related Tax Relief Measures SA

Find out more about your eligibility and how to apply.

Learn how to apply

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