Cyber Security Skills Partnership Innovation Fund - Round 2

The Cyber Security Skills Partnership Innovation Fund provides industry and education providers with funding to deliver innovative projects that meet local requirements to quickly improve the quality or availability of cyber security professionals in Australia.
This grant is currently closed to applications

What do you get?

Grants from $250,000 up to $3 million to fund 50% of eligible project expenditure.

Who is this for?

Organisations partnering together to find innovative new ways to improve the quality or availability of cyber security professionals in Australia.


This fund aims to support projects which can help to grow a skilled workforce. It is part of the Cyber Security National Workforce Growth Program which is part of Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy 2020.

We expect the types of projects that will be competitive for this funding will include collaborations between organisations such as industry associations and other bodies including:

  • higher education and vocational education providers
  • secondary schools
  • local and state governments
  • businesses.


What are the eligibility criteria?

To be eligible you must:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • be registered for the goods and services tax (GST)

and be one of the following entities:

  • an entity incorporated in Australia
  • an incorporated association
  • an incorporated not for profit organisation.

Each application must be a joint application with a lead organisation, who is the main driver of the project and is eligible to apply, and at least one other project partner.

A state, territory or local government department is not eligible as the lead applicant, but may be a project partner in a joint application. For more information on joint applications, see section 7.2 of the guidelines. The eligibility criteria refer to the lead organisation only.

We can only accept applications:

  • where you can certify that your board supports the project (or chief executive officer or equivalent if there is no board), and that you can complete the project and meet the costs of the project not covered by grant funding
  • where you provide a letter from each of your project partners supporting the project
  • where you include all mandatory attachments as per the application form.

You are not eligible to apply if you are:

  • a state, territory or local government department, unless contributing to projects led by those organisations referred to in section 4.1 of the guidelines
  • an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
  • an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012)
  • an individual
  • an unincorporated association
  • any organisation not included in section 4.1 of the guidelines.


How do you apply?

Cyber Security Skills Partnership Innovation Fund Round 2 is closed to applications.

We assess your application against the eligibility criteria and then against the assessment criteria. Only eligible applications will proceed to the assessment stage.

We’ll create a committee of Australian government representatives. The committee may also include independent industry experts and seek additional advice from independent technical experts.

The committee will assess your application against the assessment criteria and recommend which projects to fund.

If the selection process finds unintentional errors in your application, we may contact you to correct or clarify the errors, but you cannot make any material alteration or addition.

The program delegate will make the final decision.

We will assess your application based on the weighting given to each criterion.

  • Assessment criterion 1 - How your project will improve the quality or availability of cyber security professionals in Australia, and is innovative (40 points)
  • Assessment criterion 2 - How your project promotes collaboration between industry and the education sector (25 points)
  • Assessment criterion 3 - Capacity, capability and resources to deliver your project (25 points)
  • Assessment criterion 4 - Impact of the grant funding on your project (10 points)

If your application is successful, you’ll receive a written offer. If you are unsuccessful, we’ll notify you in writing and give you the chance to discuss the outcome with us.

Successful applicants must enter into a grant agreement with the Commonwealth. The grant agreement will specify the reporting requirements, payment schedule and milestones necessary to receive payments.

Payments are subject to satisfactory progress on the project.

Payments will be made by direct credit into a nominated bank account.

Need help?

Let us answer your question via phone, email or live chat. And if we can't help, we'll put you in touch with someone who can.

  • Phone:
  • Open Hours:
    Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm across Australia
  • Website:

Key documents

Grant opportunity guidelines

pdf · 0.53 MB docx · 0.20 MB

Sample application form

pdf · 0.74 MB docx · 0.17 MB

Sample grant agreement – standard

pdf · 0.95 MB docx · 0.15 MB

Board or CEO letter of support template

pdf · 0.07 MB docx · 0.11 MB

Project partner letter of support

pdf · 0.12 MB docx · 0.03 MB

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