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What to do in an emergency

It's important to stay up to date with the latest information. In a flood event, the situation can change quickly.

Regularly check your state emergency service website for the most up to date information about the situation and any actions you need to take.

When an emergency happens you should follow your business’s emergency management plan.

If you don't have one, you can use our take action checklist to help you though the next steps.

There are steps you can take to help keep your business operating in times of unexpected circumstances and disasters.

Use our guide to continuing your business for help to keep your business running, plan your recovery and protect your business.

Make sure your ABN details and business location are correct on the Australian Business Register (ABR). Government agencies use this information to check if you are eligible for financial assistance, grants or support during emergencies. 

Did you know?

Your main business address on the ABR should not be a post office box or tax or BAS agent address (unless you are running your business as a tax or BAS agent). To ensure you have access to the right government financial support, we need to know the physical street address of your business or organisation.

If you haven’t updated your ABN details on the ABR for some time, go to the ABR website to check and update your ABN details

September, October and November 2022 floods